Humorous Back to School Shirt: Enjoy a bit of laughter while studying at home this academic year as an online learner.
HIGH QUALITY: Designed and printed in the USA by a women owned and operated small business. Prints are super soft and professionally applied to the fabric. You can't feel the print on the fabric keeping the fabric soft and comfortable. These prints are not an iron on transfer, which means it doesn't crack or peel. This outfit will continue to feel and look great even after many washes. We carry unique clothing for the entire family! Designed and printed in Tacoma, WA
BOYS OR GIRLS BACK TO SCHOOL GIFT: Comfortable, affordable way to express yourself. Whether purchasing for friends, family member, or loved one you can be sure to put a smile on their face during this period of social distancing and home learning
STAY POSITIVE: Why not get some laughs while you're stuck at home social distancing and learning remotely. Wash your hands, save lives, flatten the curve. We are all in this together!
KIDS QUARANTINE SCHOOL SHIRT: 7 ate 9 Apparel's limited release of quarantine homeschool shirts. We have shirts available for students and teachers!